Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Two of them for the two of us

After a minor bollocking for my hijacking yesterday Kat gave me permission to take over again today. I can barely contain my excitement right now and a long day has her fairly frazzled and struggling to find words.

Pretty obvious what this is a photo of. Them's my our babies! Two of them for the two of us.
As I'm typing this the clock has ticked over to midnight and it is now officially my birthday and seeing my babies the day before my birthday was about the best birthday present I could imagine. Given that Kat experienced some complications a few weeks ago and my sister in law sadly losing her twins at 21 weeks earlier this week I was anxious going in today. But I'm a man and I kept it together am not afraid to let my emotions show so I got teary.

It's also a kind of anniversary present. Kat and I met on my 15th birthday. TEN YEARS AGO!! I always knew she was the one. There was a period of time when we were apart due to her relationship with Master Four Year Old's father and a chance run in last year brought us back together and we grew and are now stronger than ever. The one I wanted is the one I have. The future I dreamed of is now my reality. I have an amazing woman and a close bond with her son and now we have our babies on the way. I am a very happy man.

10 weeks down - 28 more to go. And I am loving it. I am loving watching my babies grow as Kat's tummy does. And I cannot wait til the day they arrive and I get to hold my babies and my Not-Quite Wife.

"For she came and landed in my arms,
And she filled my half empty cup.
Yes she filled my half empty cup.
There you are right in front of me,
A brand new day, sunrise over sea.
No longer, my cup half empty cause there you are,
You and your mum in front of me, in front of me."
~ Peaches And Cream - John Butler Trio

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