My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Kisses from Olivia

Hi everyone


Well Olivia and i didnt make it out with the boys because of the weather but im sure they both had fun watching what planes they could see and they both had their red tops on. I must say though i dont expect them to be very dry when they get in, im being the good mummy and partner and cooking a lovely roast.

Olivia and i have had a girly day having a picnik on the floor playing with her dolls, she had a draw with the crayons for a while then we painted our nails.

I thought id have a little bit of fun with this photo, i love the tone but still wanted to show off her painted nails, hope you dont mind i do like a little selective colouring sometimes for fun. Olivia is blowing a kiss her and her it is to all you wonderful blippers.

Have a wonderful weekend and hope we see some sunshine.

Vicky. xxxxxxxxxx

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