The Original

More clearing out, more stuff to go on eBay. Everything a few weeks ago went so the new-expensive-shiny-gadget fund is coming on strong.

This is my Nikon 35-80 AF lens. The first one I owned, bought to go on my first Nikon camera - a F60 SLR camera that I still have. I remember fondly my Mum and Dad returning from Dubai with the camera in a duty free bag - the excitement to open the box was unbearable! It soon got action at my sister's wedding - still the best wedding photos I've done.

It later went onto my F80 camera, but was soon usurped by a true wide angle 28-80 zoom lens. The advent of digital has meant it has had little use and it's been gathering virtual dust for a while. Sentimentality would lead me to keep it, but I think it's just the (worthless) film bodies I'll retain.

My year ago picture makes me smile still, especially the comments.

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