In the Life of JamKeilidh

By JamKeilidh

Wandering around a Chinese supermarket

<SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA>After the lectures today, I went with a couple other participants to a shopping area in Beijing. As the food here has been quite different to our usual diet, one of the girls wanted to stop in the supermarket. Now this was an experience! I saw some of the most unusual things I have ever seen..some of which I cannot pronounce the names or I simply have no idea what they were. Particularly intriguing were seaweed flavored Pringles (I must confess I bought the original) and vacuumed-packed (cooked??) chicken feet pictured here. We have chicken feet in Jamaica (granted I do not eat it...looks like a baby's hand) but it looks nothing like this! I'm not sure how it is done differently but I know one for sure, I don't eat in Jamaica and I most certainly would not venture into the Chinese version. Interestingly also, puppies were being sold outside the mall where the supermarket was. I hope they were not canine meat :(

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