Capture Life...

By LBorla


I do have 3 kids (one at college) and 3 pets but they don't always cooperate. They know I blip and sometimes they seem to care but most days, they have things to do and schedules to keep. Holly was willing to give me 5 minutes today to run to the yard and let me take a couple of shots. I mostly am playing with the treatments in photoshop. Here I just adjusted levels and color until it had a more antique look. But her eyes, I think are so pretty.

Thank you for all the kind words on yesterdays (not in focus) SP. I'm glad you all would rather see me instead of a hummer pooping (except one hahaha)! I would love to see all of you blippers so please do a self portrait soon!

Friday is here...hoping all are well and safe from hurricanes!



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