Lucky Break
The title of a blip is very important. I've said to people a number of times here that a good title can turn an average image into a great blip, or a great image into a truly awesome blip. Quite often a title just jumps out of the photogrpah at me as if it names itself; other times I can spend an inordinately long time thinking up an appropriate caption. I've once or twice turned to what I felt to be an inferior image just because it offered a better title, and therefore, in many ways, a better blip.
I'm writing this on the train coming back from work. It's just before 9pm and it is already so dark it could be the middle of the night. It seems like only a couple of weeks since I was out on bike at this time of evening in the sun! It was raining on the way into the office, and with no wind about at all there was a sense that the heavy greyness was going to be hanging around all day. And indeed it has done just that. Just like Wednesday it was a case of foraging for a blip around the area where I work. I found an image which I quite like, but today is one of those days when a title hasn't jumped out at me. I feel as uninspired as the weather has been uninspiring.
A little later ...
My teenage sons have been fed and a little chilling has been enjoyed ... but inspiration has failed to come knocking, and I've no other image to turn to today. So I'm calling this "A Break" for a number of reasons. First, it was taken during my only break during another long day. Second, that short lunchtime walk corresponded, with an eye to the weather, to a rare break in the otherwise unrelenting rain and drizzle. Third, I rather like the way the puddle causes a break in the yellow lines. You feel like you could possibly dare to park there, at risk of losing your car into a very deep hole! Not a great title, but it's the best I can do tonight. Perhaps you inventive lot can suggest a better one?
The next day ...
Bittersweet's comment has inspired me to rename this "Lucky Break". It was a day when I did wonder if my run of what I like to think of as pretty good blips was going to come to an end. I had no idea where a decent shot was going to come from on such a dreich day, and when I knew too that I was going to be working late. So this was a very lucky break in the weather, and a cool break in those yellow lines which makes the picture interesting. I feel I can relax now. It was bugging me. And, yes, I freely admit that I have a problem with being too much the perfectionist. I wonder if there is a support group?
I once again have to finish by thanking all of you who commented and starred and faved yesterday's Islands in the Sky. It was good to know that I was not the only one who could see that tree. Mind you, I haven't found Silverlight's swan yet. You should check this journal out. There are some exquisite images to be found.
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