
By trophyeyes


Woke up at 3.50am, to get ready and leave for the station. After about 2 hours on the train, we arrived in Reading, where we walked to the arena. I knew I was screwed when every single person walking with us to the festival was wearing wellies, as I was only wearing little canvas shoes. After walking in litterally 3 inch deep mud, I was so relieved when we found the little camping shop where I bought some wellies. The task of putting them on was not smooth though...

Anyways, after being the first in the queue for a couple of hours, everyone started arriving and the gates opened to the festival. A mad, mad sprint later, we arrived 2nd row, just left of the stage. Couldnt believe that we got so close!! This is where the picture was taken..

When The Blackout came on, everyone started doing mosh pits, and wall of death, we started getting pushed from everyone behind that it was a task to even breath.. there wasnt any room for bags, mine, so i gave mine to the security guard to keep otherwise my camera would have got crushed. When New Found Glory came on, we decided that weve had enough of the intense crowd pushing, so we got lifted out by the guards one by one, where we found our bags..... in a massive puddle..... and my camera, broken. So yeah, my camera broke.. but i managed to save my SD card.. thank god.

We went to go and find another stage with some of the smaller bands on, but we descovered that if we watched the smaller band, we would miss band we really, really wanted to see. So back to the main stage we went, right at the front of the other section, a perfect view of the stage. Bring Me The Horizon were on next, one of my favourite bands, the crowd in front of us where going mental, fights were breaking out, mosh pits, walls of death. Loved it. <3 Oli Sykes gave a guitar to the crowd and asked everyone to take it to the back. So this kid would not let go of the guitar, so Oli goes 'Take the kid to the back'.. So this kid crowd surfed to the back, about one metre away from us he stood up on the railings and rocked out with Olis guitar.. So close to us :')

Anyways, after sticking it out and listening to bands that we didnt really like, it came to 30 Seconds To Mars, half way through their performance, when Jared was talking to the crowd, he said 'Get that kid in the tiger suit on stage, right now.' So he came on stage and everyone shouted 'Put it on!' So Jared put this tiger jumpsuit on and about an hour later they said goodbye to England, as they are going over seas now to do more concerts. The headlining act was on next, My Chemical Romanceeee <3 love love love love love.

By this time, my voice was pretty much gone, but me, and the whole of Reading screamed and jumped for another hour and a half. I cant say how good MCR were... Best band of the day, then BMTH, then The Blackout, then 30STM...

Best day of my life.
Xxx xxX

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