Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


Today's music session was in Rathgar, and I took a notion afterwards to go for a drive (it's an awfully long time since I've done that). Getting up on a height took my fancy, so I headed up behind Ratfarnham and up around Glencullen and back down via Stepaside and then home. A nice loop, even allowing for the changeable weather (we'd had a mix of bright sunshine and torrential rain during the music session, and the weather couldn't make up its mind up among the hills either).

I really enjoyed the experience and must do it again some time soon. There were lots of blip stops, and some reasonably okay results. This one looked good in the camera and I still liked it when I got home. This was shortly after I'd reached the highest point of the trip and had begin the descent on the other side. Not far from Glencullen.

Back home now, it's time for a bite to eat, and then a bout of work until night time. Formula 1 is back in action this weekend, I want to be able to watch the race tomorrow with a clear conscience, and getting the work done today is the best way to manage that.

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