Snapshooter's Diary

By jesalonen


Every year a special event, Night of the Arts (or "Taiteiden yö") is arranged in Helsinki. The city is filled with all kinds of arts: performances,circus, concerts, street art, poem recitation and book stores, galleries and museums are open until very late. It is very popular and gathers a huge audience, 50 000 people this year.

At the same time there is also a photo competition called Fotomaraton. They give four subjects or themes at 5 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm and you have until 11 pm to take all (and only those) 12 shots in given order.

I haven't participated ever before. Due to lack of preparation and physical stamina there is not much to discuss about the results. This was the only shot I was somehow satisfied with. But lots of fun that was!

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