Worth their weight in gold?

or did it just feel like it when I bought:

2 pairs of school schools
3 pairs of trainers
2 pairs of plimsols


Eldest's feet had grown by 1 1/2 sizes (bad mummy) to a 'proper' size 1. I have to admit it was an almost tearful moment (sad I know) as he enters an adult phase, in shoes at least. Tiddler had only grown 1 size.

So a major shoe spend was in order.

Then we washed the thoughts of 'far too much money spent' away with a couple of hours at the beerfest at one of our local pubs - doing fine until I ordered a pint of 7.5% perry! At least the kids got to run and bounce lots and we got to meet a mum of one of tiddlers school mates.

Oh - and Doctor Who is back, but waiting for eldest to explain it all to us :-)

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