My Open Book

By AmyLin

Tears. Suck.

Today was an unexpected emotional day which happens to be the exact kinds that I HATE.

Anways, day started out fine, woke up, ate, watched T.V., chilled - way too much I might add - read some material, spent way too much time on Facebook..yeah.

And then four'o clock rolls around and I'm picked up to go to worship practice at my church Livingstones. Needless to say, practice somehow felt off but we prayed and honestly God, well we were in good hands. Church was AMAZING.

Until it got to the part when my dearest friend Jenelle - she's the one in the center, next to two crazy looking girls <3, in the white- got up to speak. Today was her last day at church =( OMG and she made all the girls me and maybe two others start to sob uncontrollably. Hormones? Maybe. But this family was quite sad to lose a valuable sister and the tears just flowed.
I mean flowed. What i mean to say is I looked quite emberassing but all that matters is that she knows we are going to miss her dearly and love her to death. But that's okay because we had quite the church hangout afterwards (slurpess at 7/11 and a curfew of 12. =D)

Anyways, technically its the "28" since I'm typing this too late. Which mean I need to sleep. Which means I'm going to be so grumpy because sleeping in just ruins my whole schedule. RIGHT?

Ok I need to end this. I <3 Livingstones. Thank you God.

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