Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Clean Windows

To be more accurate, the title should be "Cleaned Windows".

I was sorry I didn't go to the annual Plein Air Paint Out in town today, but I see that Ann Chaikin has blipped it, in addition to participating. Instead, I stayed home and cleaned windows and did other miscellaneous chores.

As I was sitting down to a delicious dinner that C had prepared from a couple of items dug out of the back of the freezer, I glanced at the living room windows on the west wall. The low angle of the sun's rays illuminated every blemish in my handiwork. Most of the streaks were easily removed, but I just couldn't get this window clean. I finally realized that the marks are on the inside surfaces of the double glazing. In other words, the outsides of the outside and inside panes are clean, but the inside of the outside or inside pane is dirty. (Just read it slowly again). The seal must have failed.

Luckily, the windows have a lifetime warranty for the original homeowners (C and me)!

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