The EZ Life

By saltnsauce

Moving In

sorry this is a back blip i didnt really have any time yesterday. Siggs drove me and Kris down to Stavern from Oslo and the boys helped move me in and get me settled, it was really hard seeing them go but there was no time to dwell as it was activity after activity. It was absolutely terrifying the speed, dialect and constancy of the norwegian, dialects over here can be so strong that norwegians can find each other difficult to understand, let alone before my poor english mind had adjusted. The opening ceremony was bizarre, the rektor (head teacher) stood on stage and did his welcoming speech, then he sat at the piano and sung Gerry and the Pace Makers 'You'll never walk alone' and noone batted an eyelid, and in the evening when we were all chatting in the sitting room, he got his guitar out and started to sing Bette Midler - From a Distance, again, noone else seemed to find this even remotely strange. language wise despite yesterday morning being horrifyingly scary, when dinner came and i had no choice but to chat to people they were all surprised when they found out i was english and were absolutely baffled saying " can speak norwegian?" and they all proceeded to use norwegian with me, which to be honest is amazing seeing as normally at the mere whiff of being english, they'll just use english as it tends to be easier for both parties involved. I made some friends, one of whom is one of the course teachers, he sat with us at dinner and we were chatting and he told the rektor that i was really good at norwegian and he said that he didnt think i should be in the norwegian language classes because itd be a waste of my time and id be better off going straight into another course. So i invited him to sit with us and eat ice cream in the evening because he was standing alone so now he thinks im the nicest person in the world hahaha.

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