A thousand new paths

By acc

A trip to Perth

At my request we went to Perth today for the Scottish Bead Fair. I wanted to attend a class to make this beautiful birds nest necklace. In the end I was late and the class was full but someone hadn't turned up so I was able to get in! My family went to pick up my brother from the airport, the plan was that I would get a train back later, I had a lovely time at my class and buying beads. Then, at the train station, I discovered a problem. Trains from Perth go to Glasgow not Edinburgh. I had to go back via Dundee and it took three hours altogether with the waiting for connections! Not much shorter than my journey up from London! But it was worth it I think. I'd seen the birds nest class on the website before and wanted to know how to make it. And I made a great contact for gorgeous glass beads. Had I known how difficult it was to get home I probably wouldn't have gone and that would have been a shame.

When the women awake mountains move. Chinese proverb

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