
By Frontier

By the River

Ovall - I Need Your Music ft. Hanah

The day began with an awful start. Having slept through my alarm by 2 hours I had missed meeting my friends in Nagoya at 8am. GARGH! It was frustrating, I had everything ready to go but I woke up at 8:11am. I ran to the station in 5 minutes pulling together whatever I needed, missed the train, got on the next train which delayed me by another 10 minutes. When I got to Nagoya station I had to run through all the old people to get to the tracks to get to the train Gifu...the turnover was 5 minutes but the distance between changing trains was an 8 minute walk... but for me a 3 minute run. It was hilarious to say the least.

I eventually got to another meeting spot by 10:17... totally embarrassing. The final spot was rather far out, about an hours drive from the station, but totally worth it. Great company put me at ease and it was really nice.

Back home, a long bath solved my ailments.

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