Sore Finger!
This is my punishment for breaking the law on Saturday night. I'm not going to go into too many details, I'll just say that I removed something from a restaurant that I shouldn?t have done. It was the champagne that made me do it! Probably! A bottle between five of us in our room before we went out, then a cocktail at the champagne bar, then another bottle of champagne between four of us at the restaurant. As I pocketed the "keepsake" that I?d decided I wanted, I punctured my finger twice on something that had been in my souvenir. The other hole is about a cm to the left of this one but nothing appeared to have broken off into that one and it's healed already really, but this one - well, I'm guessing that something did break off in this one judging both by the look of it and the underlying swelling - which in profile looks like a small volcano when I turn my finger so that the wound faces upwards.
Jean, who is a nurse, looked at it on Sunday evening before our weekend away was over. She didn't think it was infected but advised me to make a hole in it with a needle so that the splinter could work its way out. I inadvertently made a hole big and deep enough that a drop of blood suddenly oozed out. I thought this was perhaps a good thing though - would it not float the splinter out with it? Apparently not. So now I have to sit and wait for it to take its own time to exit my finger and meanwhile have to avoid putting pressure on it because it's quite sore and tender to touch (e.g. I had to hold it up and away from the steering wheel today when driving because it was rubbing against it). Because the weapon that caused this was intimately connected to the item I took, I am convinced that this injury was retribution - instant karma - for taking the thing I took! I am going to package it up and send it back to the restaurant with a note of apology, and maybe then the splinter will come out and my finger will go back to normal!
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