
By BikerJim

~Non-Fuctional Roofing Tile~

~This Is What Happens - When This Is Not Done~

This is also, most likely, my last photograph!
With this camera, the good old Canon a650.
No, i'm not leaving Blip, that would be like leaving home.
Got a brand new Canon 40D today! Wow, am I ever excited.
A lot to learn though, kind of like starting over again.
I've had a few SLR's, many years ago, but never a DSLR.
A very complex piece of technology, compared to the A650.
And then there's the lenses, that will be a challenge, too!
The old A650, relatively speaking, didn't have a lens.
That's the main reason I upgraded, better quality glass.
Did I mention how excited I am?

My good ol' Canon A650
thanks all of the Blippers
who viewed, commented, or rated
even one photograph he took.

Did I mention how excited I am?
(smiling, smiling, and more smiling)

2.75 h

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