my corner of the world

By Vic

Wales Weekend -Day 1

Our bank holiday weekend has begun. We set off early to go to Wales to see our good friends Peta and David. Both used to work with me at the same Primary school for years?..! They then early retired and moved to Wales where they have set up their own little farm which is fantastic for the kids. They absolutely love our annual visit to stay. They join in whole-heartedly with the feeding and grooming and cleaning out. It's a wonderful experience and great for me chilling out with some very close friends.

The animals here get the best ever treatment, it's like The Ritz of the animal world. They have some rescued animals here which are treated like their babies. At the moment there are: 2 donkeys -Seth and Jake; 2 sheep -Yollie, shishk; 1 cockerel -Antney; lots of hens, chickens, ducks and ducklings; and 3 cats. I'm sure you'll see some of them over the next few days!

We arrived after dinner and did some climbing. Well the boys climbed and the girls read (though I did have to belay for John). Jaden is a natural climber, just like his dad. I'm very proud of him.

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