Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Erika the Mantis

Had a visitor this today. Meet Erika (I think) the praying mantis. One of many visitors that I suspect that I will be blipping. I kid you not, David Attenborough would have a field day in my house.

Erica is pretty harmless, unless you are blessed more than two legs, in which case she will devour you with such brutality, you would not dare put your hand near her ever again.

I have always been fascinated by the world of insects and arachnids and I am quite happy to live and let live. The exception is wasps. These I hate with a passion. I cannot relax if a wasp enters my abode until it is dead or gone or preferably both. Even when I was visited by a snake, it was captured, photographed and released unharmed, well, perhaps it had a slight sore throat, as I was not taking any chances, this is Indonesia after all.

Certainly not an original blip, but this creature with the beady eyes, that follow your every move, certainly made my day.


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