
By bananablip

martha chirwa

popped into the studios this morning to check up on my girl, MC, as she records a few songs.

i'm hoping to bring some of the CDs home at the end of the year to sell, so that martha can raise funds for university.

i wish you could meet her. mum and dad will agree that a photo of martha doesn't really do her justice. she's such an inspirational young girl, who despite the challenges that life has thrown at her, wants to love and serve others. and this girl's smile could win over the hardest of hearts.

being 1 of 7 (soon to be 8) children, it's very unlikely that she'll be able to afford a place at university. i hope we'll be able to help somehow.

tomorrow i'll go back, armed with my proper camera, to take some more recording pictures.

and if you're interested, here's my dad's picture of the rest of the chirwa family (some of them at least!)

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