Jess & Molly Law

By jml

They're talking about me

Molly and Mrs jml have just come back from a visit to Fiona, the Vet. As I was receiving a full description of what had been discussed, Molly sat there, all the time with her mouth wide open. It was as if she was listening to every word.

The good news is that her swelling is down. We know, however, that her limping is not significantly improved. We decided against all the surgical options. We could have had her elbow stiffenrd, which would have taken away the pain, but made the limp permanent. We could have sent her to the Vet Hospital in Liverpool, where they are looking for suitable patients to have an artificial elbow fitted. We could have gone for acupuncture.

What we will do is regulate the Tramadol, up or down as necessary, and also regulate the amount of exercise Molly gets. If this does not work, then Fiona will consider putting her onto some non-steroidal painkillers. But even this involves intervention, as her bloods will need constant monitoring (because of her single kidney). So we hope it does not come to that. As I have said before, you will never find a more cheerful pet than Molly - and long may it continue.


No sooner had we talked about what we would do with Molly than Jess gave us a fright. She had a fainting fit. She was very ill - and fainting was the first symptom of it - four years ago. Even after several days in the Dick Vet, there was no clear explanation of what had happened. Since then, she has not been prone to these attacks. They have happened just a couple of times, always on a hot day after exertion. Today was cold, and she had not been running, so we began to worry about her.

She had been due to go to see Fiona tomorrow to have her teeth thoroughly cleaned. In the circumstances, we phoned to ask the Vet if it was wise to anaesthatise her tomorrow for this small operation. The upshot is that she will not have her teeth done, but Fiona will still see her and try some other tests. We can only hope that Jess os OK.

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