The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Where have you been, Mum?

The girls are home...although they couldn't sit still enough for me to photograph them both together! Picking them up was exciting and impressive, the demo they each did with the trainer to show me what they had learnt in the past four and a half weeks was awesome. Clever bunnies!

Then I brought them home. Then they ran around like the nutters I know them to be. Then, when I tried the training I had been shown, they just looked at me and went, "Nah Mum, we don't do that with you, just with that bloke Philip!" Oops!

But hey, they have sniffed the garden apart, jumped all over me, barked at everything that moves, dug in the hedgerows and licked me to death. And then, finally, they settled in their blankets. And, as we always say, tomorrow is another day. I wonder if I can get them to do those fancy things then?!

Oh, and they asked me to tell you that they miss you. Pippa does lots. Apparently she isn't allowed to muck about fetching stuff now, she has to do it properly. Where's the fun in that?!!!!! ;0) xx

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