Glorious Mud

Dropped Mrs42 off at a friends and Miss42 and I went for a muddy walk through Beecraigs and up Cockleroy hill. Miss42 did great and walked for ages by herself ... but I carried her up the hill in the backpack!

She particularly liked squidging through muddy patches in her black patent shoes. Daddy wasn't thinking ahead. Wellies or boots would have been better.

Here she is fighting valiantly through an attack of the killer grass.

This shot is the last memorial shot from my old 18-55 DX lens. I really like the results on the D700 when you turn the 'auto DX crop' off and with the broken autofocus you can get an old world feel to shots (ie; 'out of focus'). But I dropped the camera at the top of the hill and now the lens is completely sh4gg3d.

Just the excuse I need to buy a new wide angle lens :-)

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