Big melons
Ok, ok, smallish melon actually. I've taken a super close up to try and fool you into thinking it's huge and you've seen right through it, I'm sure. Today, finally, saw the ceremonial cutting of the first melon grown by these fair (actually rather dirty) hands. It will now be stored in larder conditions (the downstairs spare room) until it reaches it's peak of perfection on Thursday or Friday, when it will no doubt be devoured in one sitting by Katherine who can eat unreasonable quantities of melon.
Dinner was mostly from the garden tonight (well, mine was - the kids opted for pizza and I let them seeing as there are only two more days of holiday left) though I'll admit some help from the pasta manufacturer. Oh, and the olive oil manufacturer. And whoever made the salt. But the rest was all me.
We did the shop for the kids' school equipment today and, depressingly since I have already done two lots of shopping for that, I still have a few things on the list to get. Tomorrow I will have to begin the awful task of labelling everything (each of two sets of 18 pencils and 18 felt tips times two children... plus countless other items). And now Katherine tells me she NEEDS new shoes. Sigh.
We did manage a quick trip to the MBH so I could strip some wallpaper. Well, it was supposed to be a quick trip but our lovely neighbour who's just been in Scotland popped by and asked if I wanted a coffee... and the next two hours were lost in his garden discussing everything from the NHS to the history of Robert the Bruce, via 'right to roam' and the wind on the East Coast.
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