In Pictures and Words

By danebsworth

Road Etiquette...

...and on how the locals do it!

A fine day of golf was had today, despite the hangovers, as the sun beat down heavily upon us. It was, however, the antics of the road that made the day what it was.

Was it the man rolling a tyre into traffic on the ringroad?

Was it the several wreckages of cars that littered the sides of the highways?

Or the taxi parked on the carraige way?

Or the kids throwing fire crackers into the Corniche?

Or was it the driver of a bake bean tin of a car who decided to boy (man) racer us and zoom between a gap that really didn't exist between us and a taxi (with his wife and toddler characterisitically sat in the front seat without a seat belt) ?

No, it was this guy - sat in the boot of a fast moving motor!

In Other News
And the 4 or 5 children sprawled across the back seat with ne hanging out of the window - which is sadly out of shot!

Welcome in Egypt!

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