All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Telly Tub(bie)!

5.10am. Not a time of day I like to get up at. Ethan however, had other ideas this morning.

By 6am he had taken himself over to the cereal cupboard and was making it clear he wanted breakfast. This is despite the fact he doesn't normally have breakfast at home Mon - Wed, but gets it at nursery at 8.30am! Two weetabix later he seemed happier and decided to watch Me Too sitting in one of his tubs!

Tired mummy headed off to work, trying to keep her eyes open all day. When I picked Ethan up from nursery this evening, they told me he'd had a big breakfast there too - he ate a bowl of rice crispies and toast.

Unfortunately once back home, the major meltdown started as soon as we walked in the front door. He didn't know what he wanted apart from to kick and scream. Simply awful. I hate nursery days because despite the fact he is clearly happy there, we have to contend with the meltdowns afterwards 3 days a week and at the moment, we haven't managed to come up with a solution.

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