Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Snakes and Ladders

These are my brother's two children and my middle son playing giant snakes and ladders. If you look carefully you can see the die in the left hand bottom corner that has just been rolled. My nephews were staying with my dad for a couple of days so we went over to see them before they left.

After they left my dad had to visit the doctor for blurred vision and a line of something in his eye. The doctor gave him an immediate referral to the hospital and I took him over after tea. He's got to have an operation which could be as soon as tomorrow - I'm amazed at how fast it's all happened as he only phoned the doctors this afternoon! He did tell me what the hospital said it was called but I've forgotten! (I'm sure you can tell me Debbie - something to do with the lens??)

Other than visiting and doctors/hospital visits we did a bit of shopping and I actually did some tidying up this morning. This time next week the kids will have started back at school - where have the summer holidays gone? :-(

Update - Sparky Marky has gone too - has he had enough and left or ... anyone know?

Medical update - it's a retinal tear and he's seeing the consultant on Friday. Thanks for your concern :-)

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