Moments that Matter

By amie

Monster Mike

Today was Day 2 of College. I recently mentioned in a previous blip how I got accepted to do an NC Art and Design course at Inverness College. So, today we had to make packaging which would withstand being dropped from 2 flights of concrete stairs, while keeping the 4 objects inside safe. It was great fun and we made a good team. We came up with the idea of making Mike! It was a shame that his ears and horns fell off when he was thrown down the stairs. (The 4 objects were: a lightbulb, drumsticks, a wooden japanese doll and a necklace - which all survived, with no damage - success!)
Yesterday was the first day of college. 10 til 4. Walking in, I was soo nervous, but met two friends from school, which was a relief. They are looovely. We were just finding our feet yesterday - I think that's the purpose of the 2 induction weeks. So far it's fun!
Tomorrows our last day until next week.. Shall keep you posted. Night!

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