Epilogue to the lightning strike

Six days and a fair amount of money later, the damage from our lightning strike has been repaired (or replaced) and everything is up and running. Today's visit from the Invisible Fence technician put Gulliver's fence back in action, and almost at the same time, Bob picked up his computer from the computer doctor. We haven't totaled up the cost yet or determined how much will be covered by insurance, but we're back in business.

We replaced...
~six electric outlets in Bob's office and our family room
~three telephones
~one answering machine
~one motherboard
~one surge protector for the electric fence (the one I blipped)
~one telephone junction box

Much to everyone's surprise the actual circuitry for the electric fence was not damaged. He put in a new surge protector and cover plate and it worked as if it had not been blasted to smithereens by the lightning. The telephone repairman told us a hand grenade couldn't have done more damage to their junction box. We were very fortunate. It could have been a lot worse. The next time the lightning starts flashing and the rumbles get really loud, I'm unplugging the computers and hiding under the covers with Gulliver.

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