Family Dog

By Family_Dog

i'm forever blowing bubbles....

It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to get to a particular occasion or event (large or small) without marking it with some form of well, celebration. What can I say? I like a bit of a do, a bit of ceremony and pomp. I like to do something that will bring about it's own set of memories to mark something that will have memories attached to it.

Or you could say, I like to over complicate things. Is that what you're saying? Is it? Okay - alright, that is absolutely the case.

Anyway - to mark the beginning of Arlo's new nursery I decided to take him off for a day of fun and adventure, just Arlo and Mummy and no bleeding buggies or changing bags or bottles or baby for a whole day. I have to say I was much more excited about it than he was 'I want Ida to come' he said. 'No way!' said I.

First stop was Stick Man at Bristo Square, as part of the Fringe. BLOODY brilliant. There is no other way to describe it. We both had a ball. We laughed (I cried, but I was MAJORLY hungover from the weekend and therefore feeling very tender and over sensitive), we sang along and clapped. He threw his arms around me and shouted 'I love this Mummy!!'. Sigh.

After that, the museum - which he wasn't overly interested in. Well, I say that but he'd have happily stayed the whole day riding on the escalators and the lifts. After that, we went off to a cafe for lunch where we read the Beano, had comfort food and glasses of milk with straws. We blew bubbles till they bubbled all the way over the top onto the table, laughing uproarously (till we got tutted at by tourists - ya boo). Then we got on a bus and sat upstairs at the front pretending to drive.

After that we went to a shop with 'moving stairs' (only way I can get him into a shop) where we picked out some new clothes for nursery. Our favourite one is bright pink and navy which we both love and don't care if it's from the girls section - he rocks it.

Phew. What a day. What a bloody lovely day.

I really miss those kinds of days with Arlo, but we were both really looking forward to getting back to the Pix and her munchable cheeks. She looked pretty delighted to see us too.

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