Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Katie and Thomas are having their first holiday away from Robert, so Robert had his other Grandma, Margarita looking after him at the weekend. My mum, Elizabeth and I met up with the two of them for lunch. We managed to get Robert to give Elizabeth a cuddle, even though he looks very unsure about it.

In the evening I went out for a meal and a movie with Margaret. We had tapas at La Tasca, then we saw Toy Story 3. It was a very nice evening and it's been lovely catching up with Margaret. The movie was excellent. I want to watch 1 & 2 again now.

Apparently my babysitters did not have such a lovely evening... Elizabeth was showing off her lungs for a good few hours, before keeling over from exhaustion at about 9.10pm. So, she still doesn't like having anyone but her mummy put her to bed. But then, 9.10pm isn't really all that bad. a few hours of her crying is hard to put up with though.

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