Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Sick (and possibly dying)

I'm sick. Very. VERY. Sick.
I just got over an ear infection a week ago.
I started coming down with a cold/flu thing a few days ago. Despite feeling like death, I didn't get down to the doctor... Brilliant idea, Katherine.
So, being nearly 11 weeks pregnant, and feeling very unwell, when I discovered (WARNING: May be a little too much info) bleeding this morning, I hauled my butt to the doctor, panicking, with a slightly less unwell, but equally unhappy Master Four Year Old in tow.

Some poking and prodding, and a minor loss of dignity later, all is well with the pregnancy, but not with me.
Throat infection.
Kidney stones.

I have had kidney issues for as long as I can remember, but NOW is not the time for my body to decide to get kidney stones. Not that there ever is a good time. But seriously. My body must really hate me for something. And right now, that hatred is very much mutual.

Feeling so horrid, I didn't take my camera out. I didn't take any photos. But Master Four Year Old did. He turned my camera on me. A DSLR, on manual focus... And this is his photo. Not bad...
He told me, looking rather smug at the quality of his photo, "Wow, you look REALLY sick, Mummy. But it's a good photo. You are going to put it on your computer and facebook for all your friends to see how good I am at taking photos, aren't you?"

Seems so, kiddo.

Back to bed, sneezing, coughing, and feeling like I'm dying.

"Starting to feel you're not bulletproof...
You know that it could
Some day be the death of you."
~ Purple Heart - I Am Giant

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