From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

That's one giant step for..... Ladybirds!!!!

Back to the macro, I do love a bit of macro. I spied this little ladybird crawling along all the twigs and flowers watched her for ages and then managed to capture her balancing between twigs as she took the challenge!! That surely must be like us stretching across a big gap to get from one wall to another!?!?, I used to think that about babies when they start climbing chairs and stuff, to an adult that would be like scaling a wall but it never seems to phase little ones. Off on a tangent again, so I'll get back on track!!

The wildlife was out in it's droves today i saw ladybirds, butterflies, bees and snails!! Captured some lovely pics of butterflies, but felt this little ladybird deserved the blip!!! Even the sun put his hat on for me. Typical cause i have resigned myself to uggs now and flip flops are stashed away in my wardrobe.

Right off to do tea now and boring stuff, like more chores!!!!


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