The last night of the fringe

My final photography engagement of the fringe was the highlight of the month as I was allowed close access to Camille O'Sullivan's show Feel at Pleasance Grand. Camille is one of the best performers at the Fringe and her show is a highlight that I have been lucky enough to experience three times during which time I have got to know her off stage as well as on.

After the show Camille did her usual CD signing which is an event in itself as she finds time for everyone to have a chat with, get a photo and even a piece of chocolate. This being the last night though she did an extra special performance for one of her Edinburgh fans and carried out a rendition of 'In These Shoes' accompanied on table by her Double Bassist for Sir Tom Farmer - for those that were there it truly was a magical way to end the fringe.

Only eleven months to wait before it starts all over again but hopefully between now and then my day job can get me over to Dublin for another chat with Camille.

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