Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

I am now enlightened

My first spotlight for yesterdays blip. So thank you to everyone who commented and thank you to my mum and dad for creating such a handsome young man, thank you to Mr Connor for creating such an literacy genius and thank you to my lord and saviour our lord Jesus Christ without him nothing is possible.

I am now enlightened. It took a while but i am. It's not about Black squares or rants or swearing its about opening up and being honest. Something i can do, well the honesty part anyway. Im not big on opening up. However sharing things yesterday helped. It's like how sharing a secret always makes you feel...cereabrally lighter. And there is a lot secret about me. After yesterday i feel i am ready to share some of it. Some things i tell you, you might not believe like, who believes im listening to the finally 1812 overture by Tchaikovsky? Somethings i tell you, you may well believe like who thought "i bet he googled Tchaikovsky for a spelling".

So as i'm a massive fan of music i'm going to let you into my world starting tomorrow with music. Likes, dislikes guilty pleasures etc. If at any point you think "Damn this handsome young cultured literacy genius is interesting i wonder what his favourite piece of art is/movie is/season is/whatever is" feel free to ask. I promise i will tell.

If i pick up stars and spotlights on the way then hey it's a bonus. If i learn about photography, even better, but most of all, and this is important, i want to make some friends
On another note i decided to print off the instructions for my Camera tonight. Probably should have checked before was 182 pages...epic fail!!!

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