Learning S'more About Your Neighbors

That's my half of the room Erin and I share. It's awfully boring in comparison to Erin's side which has stuffed animals hanging from the wall (I kid you not).

Had my first Basic Photo class today. I'm real excited to get back in the darkroom but I am not excited for these nude model studio sessions that I have to attend. We'll see bout that.

Got out of class at 5 but didn't make it back to my place till 9 because I am a distraction to myself. Stopped by Midrise to read sociology with Jordan and dance with Ali. Then made a quick stop in Foy to see my favorite girls from Alaska and New Hampshire. And then one last stop at my friend Erin's in Gartland where she fed me lasagna and I made a portrait of her roommate with the leftovers. Then we went to the bonfire so we could learn s'more about our neighbors.

Oh these marist people make me real happy :)

"Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad."
-Norm Papernick

Coincidentally I'm both.

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