In a Marcie Minute

By INaMarcieMinute

Peace and Tranquility in a Marcie Minute

I signed up for blipfoto a couple of weeks ago, Aug 12, and I am submitting my first blip... finally! I imagined myself submitting some fabulous photo to debut my journal, but not a chance! Last week I attempted an entry before midnight and clicked submit after midnight... Poof! Disappeared in a Marcie Minute! That's how life is in my world. Read on... you'll get the picture!

So, today went something like this...

6:00 AM: BEEP BEEP BEEP? BEEP BEEP BEEP? BEEP BEEP BEEP (Slam! Hand down on the snooze) now repeat this every 9 minutes

7:11 AM: Flashing dash out of bed and into the shower (if I had only gone to bed earlier, kick, kick)

7:23 AM: Chaotic whirlwind sets in: clothes, ironing, contact lenses (only 3 tries), makeup, and hair pony... Great discovery. I can shave almost 15 minutes off my time with the hair pony. (I'm on hair pony day 73... really); all the while, simultaneously squeezing in checking work and personal email, calendar, weather, banking on cell... and yes, a quick peek at Facebook

8:08 AM: Brush my teeth... swish and spit!

8:13 AM: Out to the garage, into the vehicle and backing out of the garage.

8:14 AM: Back into the garage, out of the vehicle and into the house... forgot the cell... back into the garage and into the vehicle... back out of the vehicle and into the house... forgot the camera... back into the garage and into the vehicle.

8:15 AM: Backing out of the garage, out of the driveway, and on the road. Whew! (heavy sigh) Open sunroof, deep breath, and like a mantra: "Low traffic, green lights, good parking... Low traffic, green lights, good parking". By the way... not a chance.

8:31 AM: Hurry up 3 flights of stairs and into the office, throw purse under desk (literally), place camera bag under desk (like fine china). Grab clipboard. Quick confirmation of schedule.

8:33 AM: Dash into clinic, converting to a calm and professional pace once in view. 30 seconds later, my patient arrives. Myself... appearing as though I've been in for some time... now appearing to casually start my day after morning coffee and conversation. If only.

Back to back patients... Busy, busy, busy.

5:12 PM: Leaving work at a reasonable time while fielding multiple phone calls. Plans with my Mother to stop by and examine her back. It's not that far so I won't hit the girls room... I'll wait until I get there.

5:18 PM: "Bridged!!" Stuck in traffic in Canal Park. The bridge is up with an enormous ship passing through along with several smaller vessel. Yes... of course my parents live on the "other' side of the bridge.

5:55 PM: 37 minutes and full bladder later (lesson learned), crossing the bridge.

6:06 PM: Arrival... relief... examination... lovely visit...

7:18 PM: The above photo from their deck before departure home to family, laundry, work project and oh, yes! first journal entry!

...And it all happened in a Marcie Minute

*Disclaimer: Since I will be living the next 365 days with the goal of improving my photography skills and achieving more peace and tranquility in my life (aka maximizing Marcie Time), subsequent entries will likely be more brief... lucky you!

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