
By misspixter

About to Go Ape

This is us just before our Go Ape experience, a high wire adventure in the trees. My arms and legs now hurt. Its just soooooo much fun, even though its bloomin hard work! The zip wires are amazing, I could do them all day. It was even better this year (we went last summer) as last time my older sister (far left) cut her hands near the beginning and couldn't carry on so she was chuffed to complete it this time! It was my younger sisters (second from left) birthday treat and her friend sarah hadn't been before but she put me to shame! When we were finished (it takes 3 hours!) we were so thirsty and the cafe was shut so we went to the pub, and the weather was surprising glorious, especially as it rained all morning. Luck was on our side as it didn't rain the whole way round the course. Looking forward to the next time already! Hope everyone had a good weekend!!!

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