Everyday Adventurer

By BrianGreenwood


This little chap is what is known as an Inukshuk. Inukshuk, or "human like" in native Canadian culture, is a person-like shape built from rock or stones.

Originally used as a symbol to show that native tribes had passed through this area, the symbol has now become a symbol of hope and perseverance - "Whatever you're doing, wherever you're going, someone has been there before so don't give up". A wonderful message and symbol and it looks kinda cool too. I have it on my desk and it reminds me of that message when things get a bit rough.

The only thing about mine is that he fell over and broke his arm :(

Also, thank you to everyone for making my blipfoto blog so succesful in August! I had 4 rated pictures (3 at 5* and 1 at 4*) and most of my pictures are about to hit the 100 views mark. Keep viewing and rating as I like to see that people enjoy my pictures :)

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