Safety first

Since I rehomed Stella I've had a predicament with car travel. At first she was scared to even get in the car, then we had travel sickness, then a separation anxiety due to me being in the front & her in the back. This resulted in seatbelt chewing, lead chewing, harness escapology, dog guard destroying etc all to get to the front of the car.

Thankfully that has passed & she is generally happy in the back seat. But this week it's been brought to my attention that the Highway Code now mentions that dogs must be restrained in vehicles (it was a *very* long time ago that I got my copy!) & it looks like being made law here like other countries.

The thought of crating her in the back seems like a last resort as I can't lift her & can't see her getting in one willingly given her age & anxieties. Then I remembered my friend gave me her dog's old harness which has a sheepskin chestplate. This seems to be comfy & secure (well for our 1/2 hour journey to work at least) but my seat belt attachment doesn't work with it so I've ordered one from ebay in the hope the problem will be solved.

Fingers & paws crossed!

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