Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Mooooooooos looking at me?

Tonight I wanted to get to the secret field before the cows went away. I dont know where they go, but they go somewhere. Anyway, I got home from work about 6 and Si was doing electrical things in the newly decorated room so off I went on my own.

The cows responded very well to me calling 'here moo cow, come here moo cow' and all was going well until the dogs came charging over and I panicked that the cows were going to stampede through the hedge! I think the cows wanted to make friends as they kept coming back and I got quite a few cute shots of one black cow in particular, but my panic at the dogs running through meant I wasnt fully focused on the correct camera settings!

So, Simon will have to come with me to dog sit so I can get some closer shots. I am sure they are models in the making!

I woke up thinking it was Friday this morning - I was totally convinced! Alas, it wasn't BUT tomorrow morning, yay it will be. Wooohooooooo

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