WithSpaniel and I

By thebrowndog

Fraggle Rocks

Another lost soul finds its way to us!!

This is Fraggle. She was found outside the local Post Office all alone and very, very hungry. The guys there had kept an eye out for mum overnight in case she came to get her kitten, but it seems that there was no sign of her.

Fraggle announced her arrival at the practice very loudly and (not so) politely requested that she be fed. Immediately. She then settled down for a quick snooze before announcing later that she required room service again. This is her tucking into her dinner.

Fraggle will stay with us to be hand-reared by our nurses, which involves quite a bit of hard work and dedication. If all goes well, we'll then find her a new home. I might offer to let her stay with me . . . on a temporary basis . . . of course . . .

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