All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Upside Down

Yay - Ethan had a lie-in today! Till 7.10am. I was awake an hour before that though so managed to watch a programme on Sky+ I'd recorded ages ago.

The swimming class today was fab - at least the first half was. For the first time Ethan kicked his legs when asked to, and poured the water from the cup over his head by himself, rather than me doing it to him. However, when the noodles came out he got really upset. He obviously remembered that part from last week and he was not happy about it at all. Ah well.

We then went round The Centre to buy a few bits and pieces. As he was blatently tired after his class I was convinced that he'd fall asleep in the pushchair. But I was wrong. Back home at 1pm, he refused lunch and was getting narky because he was so tired. By 1.45pm I decided to try to get him to nap in his cot (first time I've tried this for many months because I'm rarely at home on days off)! For 15 long minutes he screamed at the top of his voice - then fell asleep - and slept for a mega 2 hours till 4pm! I spent an hour and a half of that doing housework and just as I decided to sit down to look through holiday brochures, Granny & Grandpa turned up!

Ethan seemed very pleased to see them when he woke up and was a really fun wee boy for the rest of the evening. He was especially pleased when Grandpa got the tricycle out and took him to the park.

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