Love Live Music

By lovelivemusic

I wanna hold your hand ....

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I went to the shopping centre today and for the first time ever, my son didn't want to hold my hand as we walked through the shopping centre.

He said Mum, I've got to that age where it's just not cool to hold your hand walking through the shops.....

At first I was disappointed realising those little boy days have gone but then I thought totally fair enough... he is 12 and now a young man going into his second year at secondary school....

That said he quickly followed up with, well of course it's OK when we are at home which I was very relieved about.

So I won't be long... it's Torchwood on in a few minutes and looking forward to snuggling my young man in the making.

He suggested I took a picture of his young hands as a compensation and this is the shape he made for me, what a gorgeous boy he is.

PS Look out for the paint on his hand, he is currently "Pimping" his BMX - pics to follow....

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