Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

At last I've found it - The Knocknagael Boarstone

It's been a dull day weather wise, the air is very heavy
A bit stressy at work too
Had planned to go to a meeting this evening, but only got as far as the door and chickened out
Went for a wander instead
A few weeks back I went looking for the Boarstone, it's original location was not very far from where I live, only to find that it had to be shifted due to the ever expanding city limits (it's a town, a small town, it'll always be a town)
It is now located in the reception area of the Highland Council Headquarters
It is a stone that has a carving of a Boar and a mirror case on it, the mirror case is quite clear near the top to right on the stone.
It dates back to Pictish times around 800 to 900 years AD

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