
Kerr has not been very well today :-(

He woke up about 5.30am this morning and was red hot. We brought him through to our bed but he was not keen to go back to sleep. A dose of Calpol at breakfast and he cooled down lots and seemed ok so off we went to Gymboree. He wasn't his usual self at the class though and preferred to hang on to me than join in with the activities.

In the afternoon I had a couple of errands I had to run so I left him with Gran and Grandpa for a wee while. He sat snuggled up to Gran on the couch. By the time I got back, he had perked up a lot and wanted on the swing. Bad idea. After about 15 minutes of happily swinging while I pushed him, he promptly vomited all over himself and the swing. Oops!

This was taken back at home. His dinner consisted of about 15 dry cheerios and a cup of water which he didn't drink. He was watching Peppa Pig before being tucked up in bed. Good news is that (so far) there has been no more sickness.

Best that he gets sick this week and not next week when we are going away on holiday I suppose.

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