As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

Police Box

I'm afraid precisely 2 photos got taken today - both of this box so you're lumbered with a less than exciting image tonight :)

Still, a busy day again- a walk along Morningside Road this morning doing the charity shops all up one side, crossed over and then did then down the other side. A few things bought so I'm happy.

Then a shopping blitz this afternoon - well Ikea and Costco. I only ever visit Ikea when I'm up here - there is no convenient store close to me at home which is probably just as well! I managed to spend a few quid and Yael will be bringing me some larger items next time it's convenient - there's only so much I can lug back on the train!

LBT is in bed, food will shortly be sorted and a bottle of wine opened........

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