
By Tinks

Mai Gang!

We went on our traditional 'Mai Gang' walk, this year there was 31 people and 4 dogs!

We walked about 10km in all ... Jade amoungst others, mainly children were on their bikes, Archie in his buggy, our friend Rachel on her roller blades and the rest of us on foot!

I went to take my first photo of the day only to realise I'd left my battery on charge at home, so as not to be defeated, I nicked Jade's bike, rode back to the house comedy styleé, grabbed the battery and after many a german comment and taking a wrong turning eventually caught up with them!

The sun cream was dished out at the first pit stop... waiting for me! When I arrived everyone moved on again, so silly me didn't get to cam up! I've suffered with the old red skin today, which is a little sore to say the least!

We had a list of things to collect en route for the children, where as always, the grown up's were getting rather competitive to say the least... me included!

Every couple of clicks we stopped for refreshment, of the alcoholic variety and eventually we ended up at our destination, a restaurant by the lake!

We ate, drank, reconstructed the battle of trafalgar on the boats, lots got wet, 2 people ended up 'in'! The children played in the play park, the dogs took a well deserved rest, then we headed back for a BBQ dinner!

What a fantastic day! ... despite the sunburn ;) At least it was me and not the kids!

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