The first splashes of autumn color

The background of this is a lake Kattila where I had my battery charging morning walk. I've been in the area many times, also lately, but not by this particular lake. This is the lake where you have relatively easy access by car and what a difference it makes. Worn trails (can you say so in English?), trash and remains of bonfires by the lake especially closer to the parking lots. Still I could see no-one there on a Saturday morning.

Only two hours later when I got back to the car there were more people close to the road and also more cars. Judging from their enthusiastic voices they were looking for fungi and apparently found some :)

Relaxing weekend dedicated for just family stuff. Hope you're having a good one too!

For the record: our five year old just lost his first baby tooth and was particularly happy about it. Even if he never really noticed when exactly it was gone - he's probably swallowed it.

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