The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Quarry pier,lives again.

In the forty years that I have known this place, the pier at Quarry has been semi derilect. At one point, the council fenced it off and signs declared it unsafe. Strangely, overnight the fence post was sawn off at ground level and the sign dissapeared. Duffer and Malkie (local lads) were agreed to be the culprits all-round, but they just smiled when asked who was the culprit.
The storms eventually, tore it apart. It was then that the community pulled together to raise the money required to buy the material to rebuild it.
The army have arrived and are creating a new pier, with large mecano and it will be dressed with the wonderful green oak purchased by the community, on the windward side.
I look forward to my son being able to fish from the pier, as I did in my youth. He would just love to play with the mecano!

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